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FAQ (frequently asked questions)

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FAQ (frequently asked questions) Empty FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Post  Katana Mon May 14, 2012 2:38 am

Common questions you might have about the server.

1: How do I use x plugin?
I'm not going to bother writing a whole new guide for these, since there are so many out there. Here's the official pages (with tutorials) for major plugins:

2: How did that guy get chain armor?
We're using a custom crafting plugin that allows you to craft chainmail armor out of iron bars (not ingots). Craft bars by making a fence shape with iron ingots.

3: How do I make money?
To make money, play mobarena (/ma), or farm pumpkins and sell them at the bank. Pumpkins are bought/sold at a 1:1 ratio, and are basically coins. More information about money can be found here.

4. How did that guy kill me so quickly?
Higher tier classes can destroy weaker ones. Try to avoid combat with someone you know is more powerful.

5. Why can't I wear x
Classes have weapon/armor restrictions. To view them, type /hero tools and /hero armor.

6. Why are the spawn doors one way?
The spawn doors are one-way iron doors to prevent border hopping (jumping back and forth between warzone to escape enemies). If you want to get back in, simply type /spawn. There's a five second delay, but you shouldn't need to hop back and forth anyway.


Posts : 47
Join date : 2012-04-25


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